In addition to the physical and emotional strains that cancer inflicts on patients and their families, it can also inflict, sometimes severe, financial hardships. Fortunately, there are financial assistance programs available to help with the financial burdens. Many of these programs require a fairly extensive financial disclosure to qualify for benefits.
Financial assistance programs:
NeedyMeds NeedyMeds' mission is to be the best source of accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date information on programs that help people facing problems paying for medications and health care; to assist those in need in applying to programs; and to provide health-related education using innovative methods.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society LLS has two programs, the Patient Financial Aid Program, and the Co-Pay Assistance Program, which assist blood cancer patients with their financial needs.
Patient Advocate Foundation The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) C0-Pay Relief Program (CPR) provides direct financial support for co-payments to insured patients, including Medicare Part D beneficiaries, who financially and medically qualify.
Healthwell Foundation Addresses the needs of individuals who cannot afford their insurance co-payments, premiums, coinsurance, or other out-of-pocket health care costs.
National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses NAHHH is a nationwide professional association of nearly 200 unique, nonprofit organizations that provide lodging and support services to patients, families and their loved ones who are receiving medical treatment far from their home communities.
National Patient Travel Center The purpose of the National Patient Travel Center is " ensure that no financially-needy patient is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis or treatment for lack of a means of long-distance medical air transportation.
Hope Lodge An American Cancer Society program that offers patients and their caregivers a free, temporary place to stay when their best hope for effective treatment may be in another city.
National Cancer Institute NCI provides links to over 100 organizations that offer various types of financial services for cancer patients and their families.
Ronald McDonald House Charities The Ronald McDonald House program provides a "home-away-from-home" for families so they can stay close by their hospitalized child at little or no cost.
Cancer Care Co-Payment Assistance Program Helping people who cannot afford insurance co-payments to cover the cost of medications for treating cancer.
Chronic Disease Fund An independent non-profit charitable organization that helps patients with chronic disease, cancer and other life altering conditions obtain the life-saving medications they need.
Lymphoma Research Foundation LRF offers a limited financial assistance program for uninsured and under insured lymphoma patients undergoing treatment. It may be able to pay a portion of the patient's medical bills to the doctor or hospital. Offers a free helpline and information service for referrals to financial assistance programs, legal and insurance help.
National Marrow Donor Program Their Be The Match Foundation raises funds to help patients who need a bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant find a donor and receive treatment.
Sarcoma Alliance The mission of The Sarcoma Alliance is guide, educate and support people with sarcoma and their family, friends and caregivers.
Patient Access Network Foundation This organization was founded as a solution to help the underinsured access the health care they need to continue living a relatively normal and productive lifestyle.
American Association for Cancer Research This link is to an excellent article titled How To Find Financial Aid and Assistance.
Association of Cancer Online Resources (ACOR) A unique collection of online cancer communities designed to provide timely and accurate information in a supportive environment.
The Bone Marrow Foundation Their Patient Aide Program helps cover the cost of donor searches, compatability testing, bone marrow harvesting, medications and many other expenses associated with bone marrow transplant.
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